Maryland DBE. FAA eFAST.


Trade and Transportation

  • E-Ternational’s trade and transportation service monitors the complex flow of goods and services between countries and provides insight for strategic and market-sensitive solutions.
  • We examine the size and market potential of commodities, study the feasibility of transportation infrastructure projects, and recommend competitive strategies to boost demand for specific export goods in the global marketplace.
  • We analyze air cargo trends and examine growth trends for air carrier industry.

E-Ternational has a successful track record of supporting Federal freight and travel statistics,  geospatial information systems, survey operations, statistical methods and performance measurement, airline statistics, and national transportation data research.

Our multi-modal transportation practice focuses on providing services in the following areas:

  • Transportation - all modes, both freight and passenger
  • Focus on freight analysis, demand modeling and choice analysis using advances in discrete choice modeling and spatial analysis
  • Geo-spatial products for mapping freight movements
  • Trade and Transport Facilitation
  • International Trade and Transportation Analysis
  • Freight Transportation Trends
  • Aviation Cargo Analysis
  • Transportation and Competitive Trade Analysis
  • Transportation and National Security
  • Supply Chains and Strategic Security
  • Energy Use and Transportation Analysis
  • Transportation Energy Use and Environmental Policies

Federal Research

E-Ternational successfully supports federal agencies with research that leads to policy-relevant publications. We reliably provide high-quality, timely, and cost-effective service.

Our strategic consulting helps government policy and decision makers in developing strategies, controlling risks, and making key decisions. Our consistent analytical research service provides focused  assessments of projects, programs, and industry trends.

Transportation Service Areas

  • Policy, strategic planning, and management; corridor and systems planning; and freight systems and intermodal planning
  • Economic analysis; forecasting and simulation; and asset management
  • Geographic information systems (GIS) and geo-spatial information including network analysis and geo-spatial database creation and management
  • Customized tools and products for asset management, commercial vehicle operations and safety, freight, and impact analysis
  • Our transportation consulting serves local, state, national, and international agencies in the public and private transportation industries